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These reports included maps showing depth of the Seelyville Coal Member (Linton Formation, Pennsylvanian). The depth maps were based on coal-test records, mine-map notations, and interpretations of geophysical logs that are included in the files of the Indiana Geological Survey. Different depth ranges were used in the various counties and for different purposes. Since 1980, staff members of the Indiana Geological Survey have also collected and entered coal resource information into the NCRDS database as a cooperative project with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The purpose of the NCRDS Database is to provide a means of rapid retrieval of point-source coal resource information, including coal location, thickness, depth, and other parameters. Based on all available data as of October 2010, a new map of Seelyville Coal Member depth was created. It is the most current depth map of the Seelyville Coal Member. 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