Value: Outwash Associations:Medium to large deeply entrenched sluiceways Label: Outwash Associations,Medium to large deeply entrenched sluiceways Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Outwash Associations:Small to large hummocks and ridges, relief ranges from 25 to more than 100 ft Label: Outwash Associations,Small to large hummocks and ridges, relief ranges from 25 to more than 100 ft Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Outwash Associations:White River Valley sluiceway fringe east side; generally a fluvially washed landscape Label: Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe east side; generally a fluvially washed landscape Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Outwash Associations:White River Valley sluiceway fringe west side; generally a flat fluvially streamlined landscape Label: Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe west side; generally a flat fluvially streamlined landscape Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Trafalgar Formation:Low- to moderate-relief hummocks and ridges Label: Trafalgar Formation,Low- to moderate-relief hummocks and ridges Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Trafalgar Formation:Massive broad crested morainal ridges; relief ranges from 20 to more than 75 ft Label: Trafalgar Formation,Massive broad crested morainal ridges; relief ranges from 20 to more than 75 ft Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Trafalgar Formation:Massive steep sharp-topped ridges; total relief generally 125 ft or more Label: Trafalgar Formation,Massive steep sharp-topped ridges; total relief generally 125 ft or more Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Trafalgar Formation:Rolling to strongly sloping surfaces that are graded to the White River Valley Label: Trafalgar Formation,Rolling to strongly sloping surfaces that are graded to the White River Valley Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Trafalgar Formation:Smooth till surface of low relief, relief is typically 5 ft or less Label: Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief is typically 5 ft or less Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Trafalgar Formation:Smooth till surface of low relief, relief ranges between 5 and 10 ft Label: Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief ranges between 5 and 10 ft Description: N/A Symbol: