| A1-Unconfined sand and gravel with scattered till units |
| A2-Interbedded sand and gravel and till |
| A3-Narrow bands of interbedded sand/gravel and till in valleys |
| B1-Hummocky ridges of sand/gravel and till |
| B2-Hummocky ridges of till with some sand/gravel |
| C1-Sand and gravel capped by <10 ft of till |
| C2-Sand and gravel capped by >10 ft of till |
| C3-Wisconsin till containing small lenses of sand/gravel |
| C4-Small valleys formed in till with some sand/gravel |
| C5-Sandstone overlain by <20 ft of glacial sediments |
| C6-Small valleys underlain by <20 ft of glacial sediments |
| C7-Slope underlain by <20 ft of till overlying sand/gravel |
| C8-Very sparse data, evaluate locally |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Alluvium,High-level valleys |
| Alluvium,Small valleys or valley complexes |
| Alluvium,Valley segments |
| Outwash Associations,Deep locally gorgelike stream valleys |
| Outwash Associations,Medium to large deeply entrenched sluiceways |
| Outwash Associations,Small to large hummocks and ridges, relief ranges from 25 to more than 100 ft |
| Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway |
| Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe east side; generally a fluvially washed landscape |
| Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe west side; generally a flat fluvially streamlined landscape |
| Trafalgar Formation,Hummocky to irregular morainal ridges; relief averages 30 to 50 ft (max = 80 ft) |
| Trafalgar Formation,Low- to moderate-relief hummocks and ridges |
| Trafalgar Formation,Massive broad crested morainal ridges; relief ranges from 20 to more than 75 ft |
| Trafalgar Formation,Massive steep sharp-topped ridges; total relief generally 125 ft or more |
| Trafalgar Formation,Rolling to strongly sloping surfaces that are graded to the White River Valley |
| Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief is typically 5 ft or less |
| Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief ranges between 5 and 10 ft |
| <all other values> |