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Legend (Marion_County_Geology_Package)

Water Wells (iLITH) (0)
Potentiometric Surface - Shallow Aquifer System (1)
650 650
660 660
670 670
680 680
690 690
700 700
710 710
720 720
730 730
740 740
750 750
760 760
770 770
780 780
790 790
800 800
810 810
820 820
830 830
840 840
850 850
860 860
870 870
880 880
<all other values> <all other values>
Hydrogeologic Settings - Shallow Aquifer System (2)
A1-Unconfined sand and gravel with scattered till units A1-Unconfined sand and gravel with scattered till units
A2-Interbedded sand and gravel and till A2-Interbedded sand and gravel and till
A3-Narrow bands of interbedded sand/gravel and till in valleys A3-Narrow bands of interbedded sand/gravel and till in valleys
B1-Hummocky ridges of sand/gravel and till B1-Hummocky ridges of sand/gravel and till
B2-Hummocky ridges of till with some sand/gravel B2-Hummocky ridges of till with some sand/gravel
C1-Sand and gravel capped by <10 ft of till C1-Sand and gravel capped by <10 ft of till
C2-Sand and gravel capped by >10 ft of till C2-Sand and gravel capped by >10 ft of till
C3-Wisconsin till containing small lenses of sand/gravel C3-Wisconsin till containing small lenses of sand/gravel
C4-Small valleys formed in till with some sand/gravel C4-Small valleys formed in till with some sand/gravel
C5-Sandstone overlain by <20 ft of glacial sediments C5-Sandstone overlain by <20 ft of glacial sediments
C6-Small valleys underlain by <20 ft of glacial sediments C6-Small valleys underlain by <20 ft of glacial sediments
C7-Slope underlain by <20 ft of till overlying sand/gravel C7-Slope underlain by <20 ft of till overlying sand/gravel
C8-Very sparse data, evaluate locally C8-Very sparse data, evaluate locally
<all other values> <all other values>
Clay Thickness (ILITH) - Points (IN) (3)
0.000000 - 86.000000 0.000000 - 86.000000
86.000001 - 149.000000 86.000001 - 149.000000
149.000001 - 255.000000 149.000001 - 255.000000
255.000001 - 720.000000 255.000001 - 720.000000
720.000001 - 3125.000000 720.000001 - 3125.000000
Clay Thickness (ILITH) - Points (4)
0.000000 - 66.000000 0.000000 - 66.000000
66.000001 - 118.500000 66.000001 - 118.500000
118.500001 - 190.000000 118.500001 - 190.000000
190.000001 - 316.000000 190.000001 - 316.000000
316.000001 - 1137.000000 316.000001 - 1137.000000
Clay Thickness (ILITH) - Grid (5)
264.798 - 0.0757396 264.798 - 0.0757396
Unconsolidated Thickness - Contours (6)
50 50
100 100
150 150
200 200
250 250
300 300
<all other values> <all other values>
Unconsolidated Thickness - Grid (7)
323.965 - 8.015 323.965 - 8.015
Glacial Terrain - Channels/Ice Margins (8)
l1 l1
l2 l2
l3 l3
l5 l5
l6 l6
l8 l8
l9 l9
<all other values> <all other values>
Glacial Terrain - Mound Features (9)
Prominent mounds of till with some sand/gravel Prominent mounds of till with some sand/gravel
Prominent mounds of sand/gravel with some till Prominent mounds of sand/gravel with some till
Linear bodies of ice-contact sand/gravel Linear bodies of ice-contact sand/gravel
<all other values> <all other values>
Glacial Terrain - Dominant Sediment (10)
 Sand- and gravel-dominated sequences Sand- and gravel-dominated sequences
Mixed sequences Mixed sequences
Till-dominated sequences Till-dominated sequences
<all other values> <all other values>
Landforms Associated with Map Units (11)
Alluvium,High-level valleys Alluvium,High-level valleys
Alluvium,Small valleys or valley complexes Alluvium,Small valleys or valley complexes
Alluvium,Valley segments Alluvium,Valley segments
Outwash Associations,Deep locally gorgelike stream valleys Outwash Associations,Deep locally gorgelike stream valleys
Outwash Associations,Medium to large deeply entrenched sluiceways Outwash Associations,Medium to large deeply entrenched sluiceways
Outwash Associations,Small to large hummocks and ridges, relief ranges from 25 to more than 100 ft Outwash Associations,Small to large hummocks and ridges, relief ranges from 25 to more than 100 ft
Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway
Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe east side; generally a fluvially washed landscape Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe east side; generally a fluvially washed landscape
Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe west side; generally a flat fluvially streamlined landscape Outwash Associations,White River Valley sluiceway fringe west side; generally a flat fluvially streamlined landscape
Trafalgar Formation,Hummocky to irregular morainal ridges; relief averages 30 to 50 ft (max = 80 ft) Trafalgar Formation,Hummocky to irregular morainal ridges; relief averages 30 to 50 ft (max = 80 ft)
Trafalgar Formation,Low- to moderate-relief hummocks and ridges Trafalgar Formation,Low- to moderate-relief hummocks and ridges
Trafalgar Formation,Massive broad crested morainal ridges; relief ranges from 20 to more than 75 ft Trafalgar Formation,Massive broad crested morainal ridges; relief ranges from 20 to more than 75 ft
Trafalgar Formation,Massive steep sharp-topped ridges; total relief generally 125 ft or more Trafalgar Formation,Massive steep sharp-topped ridges; total relief generally 125 ft or more
Trafalgar Formation,Rolling to strongly sloping surfaces that are graded to the White River Valley Trafalgar Formation,Rolling to strongly sloping surfaces that are graded to the White River Valley
Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief is typically 5 ft or less Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief is typically 5 ft or less
Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief ranges between 5 and 10 ft Trafalgar Formation,Smooth till surface of low relief, relief ranges between 5 and 10 ft
<all other values> <all other values>
Bedrock Topography - Contours (12)
550 550
600 600
650 650
700 700
750 750
800 800
<all other values> <all other values>
Bedrock Topography - Grid (13)
808.288 - 505.314 808.288 - 505.314
Bedrock Geology (14)
Muscatatuck Group Muscatatuck Group
New Providence Shale New Providence Shale
Pleasant Mills Formation Pleasant Mills Formation
Rockford Limestone and New Albany Shale Rockford Limestone and New Albany Shale
Upper Borden Group Upper Borden Group
Wabash Formation Wabash Formation
<all other values> <all other values>