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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
Service Description: This map is a photomicrograph atlas of the New Albany Shale organic matter in the Illinois Basin. The map contains site locations where photomicrographs are available in the New Albany Shale extent in the Illinois Basin.
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Has Versioned Data: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Description: This map is a photomicrograph atlas of the New Albany Shale organic matter in the Illinois Basin. The map contains site locations where photomicrographs are available in the New Albany Shale extent in the Illinois Basin.
Service Item Id: 89b6685b8d4048748b928e64912afd02
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: -3038.5757954409346
YMin: 4023583.1320051695
XMax: 842306.8648954408
YMax: 4616413.368094826
Spatial Reference: 26916
Full Extent:
XMin: 115633.85190000013
YMin: 4039406.5001
XMax: 723634.4371999996
YMax: 4600590.0
Spatial Reference: 26916
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: New Albany Shale Photomicrographs of Organic Matter Map, 2016
Comments: This map is a photomicrograph atlas of the New Albany Shale organic matter in the Illinois Basin. The map contains site locations where photomicrographs are available in the New Albany Shale extent in the Illinois Basin.
Subject: New Albany Shale Photomicrographs of Organic Matter Map, 2016
Keywords: Indiana Geological Survey,Indiana,New Albany Shale,Illinois Basin,photomicrographs,organic matter,economy,geoscientificInformation
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : true
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Query Data Elements
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values
Apply Edits
Extract Changes
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